Join me for a free 11 day journey to.............
in the process of discovery?
May 1 - 11, 2022
Through a simple, daily guided practice, delivered straight to your inbox, you will work on strengthening & expanding your
intuitive intelligence
It's more than a feeling...
What if you remembered how to rely on your own internal compass?
To listen to (and trust!) the whispers of your Soul?
What is intuition?
The word “intuition” comes from the Latin word “intueri”, which has the meaning of “to look inside.”
who you really are
and what path to take that
is right for your unique journey?
You know you know, but you don't know how you know you know.
Being okay with not knowing intellectually, creates the space for your inner knowing to be heard.
Seeking to constantly understand may be the very thing that's keeping you from truly understanding!
Try it right now!
How do you feel when you think about signing up for this program?
Do you feel yourself being pulled towards the idea or repelled away from it?
Does something on this page - the words, the images, the ‘feel’ - resonate with you as important for you to pay attention to?
Do you feel the pull to sign up... and then notice how your intellectual mind steps in asking you to justify ‘why’ you feel that way? So you pause and maybe do nothing?
You are here, reading this right now, because something is pulling at you to listen.
Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. If this is the right next step for you, you know it is. So trust that knowing and take action.
(If it doesn't resonate for you, trust that, too!)
What is your intuition telling you right now?
“Intuition is a reminder of the power of the human spirit.”
— John Holland
Signs that you are overthinking:
Trying to 'figure it out' yourself
• Using your memory to search for the answers based on your past experiences.
• Looking outside yourself for the answers - even if it's just a Google search!
• Analytically looking at all of the options and trying to narrow the solution down to the 'best' one.
Feeling anxious and / or worried
• Your brain is constantly working on solutions for the future or replaying situations from the past on a loop.
Your body is out of alignment
- Body out of alignment - aches, pains, etc. - Not checking in so you are disconnected from the body.
What you can expect...
Check your inbox first thing each morning to discover the intuitive guidance for the day ahead. Including a short teaching video & the overview of the oracle card messages for that day.
Each day I'll be pulling oracle card guidance for all of us, and you'll get the chance to also pull your own.
A guided audio journey to help you get grounded and in the here and now in your body - so you can listen! The perfect way to start the day, or just before you receive your guidance messages.
Daily journal prompts to start the day & reflection worksheets for the end of each day will allow you to get your intuitive hits out into the world.
Enter to win
A free, live, deep-dive reading for your month ahead
(value $244)
And select runners up will win a recorded reading with guidance for their upcoming month!
(Full details given during the journey)
Join me for a free 11 day journey to.............
in the process of discovery?
May 1 - 11, 2022
Through a simple, daily guided practice, delivered straight to your inbox, you will work on strengthening & expanding your
intuitive intelligence
The SoulPath journey is a quiet journey. A personal journey. It's completely unique to YOU. It's an internal journey that is reflected onto the external landscape of your experience around you.
Preparation is everything! Having the right tools in your travel backpack help you when you are feeling lost - or confirm you are on the right path. Getting a glimpse of what the energetic landscape ahead might look like for the upcoming few months - and what allies and guides are walking with you on this part of your journey.
Knowing that you are never alone. Learning to recognize the signs and symbols around you which are the ways that your guides and the natural world communicate with you every day.
An empowerment tool... and energetic weather forecast!
The SoulPath map and guidance was created to be a grounding and practical tool for your day-to-day life.
It's an empowerment tool. A map of the energetic landscape ahead. Guidance on what areas you are being asked to grow and expand in your life. A weather forecast for what's potentially ahead... and we can all agree we'd rather have an umbrella ready if it's likely to rain!
It's something tangible that you can easily reference whenever you need to, to help guide you through the different landscapes of your soul's journey of growth. To be a reminder of the need to look to the horizon and see the big picture when life gets a little challenging!
Which path is right for you?
Just as there is in life, there are different options for you to choose from here! Which path you take is completely up to you...
This is a chance for you to ask & listen...
What is intuitively calling to you?
Bookings now available through end of January 2022 for the Winter Season of January - March.
"Working with Kate has been nothing short of amazing! She has helped me understand the flow of my life and how it fits into the overall universal landscape. Simply put, if you are looking to better understand, on a deeper level, your journey through this life, Kate is the only soul I trust. I look no farther. Thank you! The SoulPath journey has been, and continues to be, life-changing."
- Kevin
"Kate always effortlessly guides me into a safe space where I feel open & trusting. She is a master at helping you see options that weren’t there before or finding an understanding of a situation. I love how easy she makes it for me to be honest with myself whilst I work towards achieving living the best version of me."
- Kate G
Not quite sure which SoulPath is right for you?
I'd love to connect with you, answer any questions you might have, satisfy any curiosity about what the SoulPath journey is all about, and get to know you a little better! This journey isn't for everyone, but if you know it's for you, then my entire focus is getting you onto the right path, so that you can start learning to listen and trust your own guidance and intuition at a whole new level!