Life is a balance of holding on & letting go
This story was served back up to me this week from 6 years ago, and of course, it's just as accurate today as it was then! Interestingly, it was my coach that brought it back to my awareness... but more on why that's important later! Here's the story first...
So today's light bulb moment happened after I walked off the tennis court this morning.
As many of you know, I have a tendency to be a bit of a control freak (which serves me well in some areas and holds me back a lot in others!)... And what I'm learning (rapidly) lately is that in order to play my best tennis, I have to let that control go and TRUST in my skill set, my equipment and my guidance to achieve the outcome I desire.
The harder I hold on, the worse I play...
Today my challenge was not trusting that I had my feet in the right place (FOUNDATION) and it affected the rest of the swing. My coach finally pulled me aside and told me flat out to trust my feet - I have already done the work to get into the right position, I've put the hours and hours of time and effort into learning my footwork patterns and my swing technique (SKILLSET) now my I have to JUST TRUST AND LET GO... The swing will come effortlessly if I get out of my own way! (Which of course it did!)
So why is this story still so important for me, and how do the lessons still apply in retrospect 6 years later?
Trusting that you have 'done enough'/ 'are enough' is a recurring issue for so many people. It's a theme that regularly comes up in SoulPath guidance sessions with my coaching clients.
There is an unconscious story at play that you have to do it all yourself - to be capable, in control (of everything!), self-reliant, a specialist in all areas of your life / business, unwavering, confident and most of all? Independent.
But this story then collides with another unconscious belief that you are not enough, that you haven't done enough, you don't know enough, you are not capable enough... In other words, you don't trust yourself or your ability to make the 'right' decisions.
And the result? Inertia. Self-sabotage. Inability to trust yourself to move forward with a confident decision in a direction that is in alignment with your SoulPath - so you don't - and now you are a failure at the game of independence, too! Then the cycle repeats...
Sound familiar?
So how do you break the cycle? Interrupt the patterns? Rewrite the unconscious stories?
Well, the first step is awareness that you are even telling yourself those stories! (Which hopefully has now been achieved...tick!) And then start to rewrite them so they are more empowering, magical and conducive to living a life that is truly, authentically, in alignment with the path designed by your soul.
Hold onto the importance of doing 'the work', setting your intentions, listening to your intuition, trusting your intuition, creating the conditions in your life to support success and achieve your desires... and then get out of the way!
Let go. Life is about co-creation. Life is about let go and flow. You have to create the space for magic and manifestation to occur - and this means not being so attached to controlling the 'how'.
Part of the Universe's way of supporting the manifestation of your dreams is to send you those people who will keep pulling you aside and remind you that you have done enough - to trust your feet! To be your cheerleader, your champion, your guide, your coach, your accountability buddy, as well as holding the mirror up so you can see the parts of yourself that you may have difficulty seeing on your own (through your own life filters). (And YES this includes all of the GREAT things that we have trouble recognizing, as well as all of our perceived 'dark flaws'!)
"Find your tribe, and love them hard" has become a slogan that is often seen nowadays - and for very good reason. No one is an island. We, as spiritual beings having a human experience, are not designed to be alone, isolated, totally self-reliant, super-beings that NEED to do everything for themselves, by themself. Sharing experiences with each other, supporting each other, guiding each other multiplies EVERYONE's experience and magnifies it.
If you are reading this now, and have read down this far, you are part of my tribe. And I'm so happy to have you here! If you are resonating with what I'm saying and are interested in finding out more about the SoulPath work that I'm doing, I'd love to hear from you.
I have opened up slots for live, personal guidance sessions if you are interested in receiving an energetic weather report of what the upcoming month of April has in store for you. (YOU CAN BOOK THAT HERE).
If you'd like to hear more information about the recorded sessions I'm offering, as well as the personal SoulPath Seasons session for Spring, reach out to me HERE and I'll let you know the details.
Remember... life is a balance of holding on and letting go...
You've got this!