What does independence mean to you?
I have been staring at this blank screen for what now feels like forever (or approx 5 days!)... frozen into paralysis, as the little goblin voices from the shadows pipe up with 'Now what do I say....?', 'How do I write something that doesn't sound too 'cold' or 'too lofty'?', 'What if my sense of humour isn't funny to everyone?'... and then my all-star goblin chimes in with - 'What if I get it wrong?'...
But that nagging feeling of just KNOWING that I have to do this - and not just for myself, but for anyone else that this message will embolden, encourage, inspire - just wouldn't leave me alone.
See, that's the thing...when you start committing to living a life that is lead by intuition, and you give your inner guiding voice a safe space to be trusted and listened to, it really does have a lot say! (And will keep saying it until you DO something with that information!)
And yes, it really did have a lot to say this morning out on the hiking trails! The conversation went something like this...
It's independence weekend here in North America, and although that as a holiday concept doesn't resonate with the rest of the world, what if the message of independence is one that could and does? And what is independence? What does it really mean? And what else could it mean?
The answers that started bubbling up to these questions, as a bright red male cardinal flew ahead of me on the trail, started giving me that tingly, all-over body feeling that something was really resonating as true for me...
Independent thinking, individuality, being unique, having a unique voice / opinion, authenticity, freedom... the courage to be yourself, independent of other's views and opinions of what you 'should do', how you 'should be', and what you 'should say'.
Which then lead me to recalling the very similar message that came out yesterday for a client in a coaching session - the importance of boundaries.
But boundaries are only truly effective when you have a clear definition of WHO you are, and where YOU begin and end.
So, starting with yourself first, and defining what is uniquely you, what is important for you, what makes you independent of others - energetically, emotionally and physically - is essential. Then the boundaries can be put in place and enforced as needed.
As part of my own personal journey of self-discovery, I have been getting much more clarity around who I am, what I am being called to share and do, what I'm passionate about and what I LOVE spending my time doing...
It isn't about me having all of the answers or 'fixing' anyone (myself included!) - it's about living my life with integrity and authenticity - a life that is heart-centered and intuition lead. And although the stepping off the cliff into uncertainty and vulnerability is scary, it's also extremely exhilarating at the same time! It's time to trust my wings and the tools that I have been storing in my travel backpack! And help others do the same.
The divination and guidance tools that I use for myself are so important to my everyday life that I really don't know how I lived without them! (It's literally as important as my phone and calendar for actually keeping me on track with my life!) And my guidance has been urging me, with increasing intensity, to start sharing these tools with others.
So I'm taking my own advice and taking advantage of this weekend of freedom and independence to also claim my own truth, use my voice, and step into my personal power!
If you like what I do, what I say, how I show up - I gladly welcome you along for the wild ride of this beautifully unfolding journey we call life! I can't guarantee to have all the answers - but I do have some idea of how and where to look for them!
(And if this is where our paths diverge, I also understand and appreciate that, too. You have to do what resonates with YOU.)
If you've read this far, I see you and appreciate you! I am glad you are here.
It's nice to have someone to talk to! Road trips and long hikes are always more enjoyable when shared!
Until next time, roam wild & free, celebrate all of you - in all of your independence and uniqueness!
And I will do the same!