Dreams are illustrations...
From the book your soul is writing about you
- Marsha Norman
There has literally not been a day in the last couple of weeks that dreams have not been in the forefront of my experience… I’m waking up to texts from people telling me about their ‘crazy’ dreams, a biz client released a dream interpretation course, astrologers are noting how important the dreamscape is right now, dream journals show up on my social media feeds, I turn on a random channelled recording and it’s all about the world of our dreams - and how it’s a way for our Soul to connect directly with us. The synchronicities cannot be ignored! (Even if I tried!)
But you know how much I love synchronicities, patterns, signs…!
(And it’s been really fun to intuitively interpret the dreams that have been sent to me)
(And it’s been really fun to intuitively interpret the dreams that have been sent to me)
I love the above quote because it isn’t the usual cliche about dreams - which are usually actually referring to wishes and intentions - this is about the actual function of dreams and how they can play an active part in the conversation that we are having with our Soul.
Dreams speak the language of our Soul
- images, symbols, metaphors and emotions.
- images, symbols, metaphors and emotions.
And I find the concept fascinating to view them as the beautiful illustrations that accompany the story of your life. Like the images on the map that your Soul is guiding you to follow - there are so many different ways, and on multiple layers, that an image can be interpreted - and depending on when you are looking at it, what you see and understand.
I encourage you to get curious… pay close attention to the dreams that you are having, write down as soon as possible what you can remember while you are still in that heightened emotional place, go back and look at it later with a logical lens and notice what you notice!
What words did you choose to use?
What images were the ones that stuck out for you the most?
Does it metaphorically overlay what’s happening in your life right now? What insights does that give you?
Are there hidden answers to questions that you’ve been asking yourself / your guidance team?
What emotions come up for you? Memories?
I’d love to hear what you discover!