Author: Kate Vanden Bos

We are all in the uncomfortable energy right now of shifts and changes. Where foundations that once felt solid now seem unsteady and fragile. What used to work and be a sure-fire solution, no longer works.

You are being challenged to find new, creative solutions to navigate the new territory that you find yourself in.
To make decisions for your life from a new place of heightened awareness. What is truly in alignment with your SoulPath? And what needs to change in your life to create that?

When in doubt… create. When feeling afraid… create. Create space so that there is room for the Universe to inspire you.

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What does the phrase “being selfish” mean to you? What emotions does that bring up in you when somebody infers that something you’re doing or saying is very “selfish”? What judgment do you place on others when they are doing / saying something that you feel is “selfish”?

One of the biggest areas of our life where we ignore our intuition is in our own personal self-care. We are always getting the ‘intuitive nudge’ to make our self-care a priority, and it seems to be the one place above all else that we turn a deaf ear to those nudges!

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I have a sign above my desk that says ‘Am I in joy today?’ which is there as a reminder, that whatever I’m doing, to ask myself – does it bring me joy? (And depending on the answer, I may have some different decisions to make!) If the answer is no, I can either continue to do what I ‘need’ to do and find the joy in it… or I can go do something else that does bring me joy!

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What does independence mean to you?

I have been staring at this blank screen for what now feels like forever (or approx 5 days!)… frozen into paralysis, as the little goblin voices from the shadows pipe up with ‘Now what do I say….?’, ‘How do I write a blog that doesn’t sound too ‘cold’ or ‘too lofty’?’, ‘What if my sense of humour isn’t funny to everyone?’… and then my all-star goblin chimes in with – ‘What if I get it wrong?’…

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